Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Top 3 New Trends for Your Modern Garage Door Upgrade in Phoenix, AZ

Gone are the days when you have to put with garage doors that looked so plain and were manually operated. Technology has improved this often ignored part of a building structure to give you convenience, energy efficiency, and safety. 

The top three trends for modern garage doors are: upgraded technology, better quality mechanisms, and environmentally friendly features.

Upgraded Technology

The last two decades has seen a huge leap in technology. With just a touch on the remote control and a command to a voice control, residential garage doors are opened and closed. You can even connect your garage door to your cellphone and your home’s WiFi. Hence, aside from the convenience and safety of opening and closing it without getting out of your car, you will be notified if someone else uses the door if you have left it unlocked as you leave the house. The same is true with commercial garage doors; you can be assured that you and your property are safe.

Better Quality Mechanisms 

At present, a garage door builder would give you a list of possible materials you can choose from. Aluminum, steel, and wood doors are still being used; but you can also opt for fiber glass and vinyl which are light weight and easy to maintain. In addition, these materials are still durable but cost much cheaper than the traditional doors. Moreover, a number of garage doors are designed with more effective insulation features that lessen your cooling and heating energy usage. Furthermore, an expert garage door installation is easily accessible in Phoenix, Arizona; therefore, you do not have to look any farther.

Environment Friendly Features

Most of us are aware that we contribute to the earth’s warming and climate change; thus, you need to consider the effects of your garage door repair, installation, materials, and mechanism on the ecosystem. One of the new trends in modern garage doors is an energy efficient design that includes: good quality materials, superior insulation, and re-used materials. 

Good quality materials prolong the life of your garage door such that you will not need to spend extra on maintenance and repair. Superior insulation, on the other hand, refers to a garage door that is weather proof wherein you would be spared from additional expenses on cooling and heating. Lastly, the use of recycled materials like wood and steel is one of the best ways people can help the environment because less trees will be cut and waste materials are managed wisely.  With a garage door Phoenix AZ, you will see a wide array of customized good doors that are not only eco-friendly but also affordable and durable. 

Surely, you want all these qualities in your garage door; so if you need help or advice -- from installation to maintenance -- Cookzon Door Sales of Arizona is always ready to help you. Our team of friendly and highly trained staff is available 24/7 to assure you of 100% satisfaction.

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